Software and consultancy services for the petroleum industry.
Fault rocks are known to have a significant impact on fluid flow in petroleum reservoirs. Petriva are now releasing a plugin to their PETMiner software that will allow users to take advantage of its powerful visual data analysis and data mining functionality to identify the best relationships to use for predicting the petrophysical properties of fault rocks.
Many companies have built databases of fault rock properties that are either no longer supported or use software that fails to extract their full potential. The new PETMiner Fault Rock Property Plugin will import legacy data and allow the user to add new fault rock property data. PETMiner’s sophisticated functionality can then be applied to estimate fault rock properties for petroleum reservoirs.
Fault Rock Property Plugin will allow users to fit standard models to fault rock data such as Sperrevik et al. (2002) and the clay-sand mixing model of Revil and Cathles (1999) as well as create bespoke relationships using PETMiner’s data mining functionality. Output can be exported as look-up tables for incorporation in fault seal analysis software.
Users can input rock and fluid properties (e.g. contact angles, interfacial tensions, phase densities etc.) so that column heights can be calculated that are tailored for the area of interest.
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